Naluri Bestari provide services daycare programme that is convenient for working parents with children from below 12 months up to 4 years old.
Our goal is to provide safe and ttractive environment and affordable child care services.
Children will participate in age-appropriate activities such as:-
Creative play
pantomime, drama, colouring mania, puzzle play, quizzes, and spelling.
Fun play
circle time, music movement, audio and video entertainment, puppet and role play, blocks, shapes, and dough play
Read play
tell me a story character building – table etiquette, clear up and dismissal, civic and moral values.
Creative activities help children to be more inquisitive and creative whilst developing their character and intellect.
At the end of the programme:
Children will build their confidence level and self-image.
Children will learn to respect others.
Children will be more independent and self-reliant.
Children will be encouraged to make their own decisions.
Children will be able to express themselves well.